"20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbour. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ya Feelin' Lucky, Punk?


Good Luck. Bad Luck.

Some say that Luck is something that is outside of our control, while there are others who claim that people create their own luck as they go along.

There was an experiment that about that actually:

2 Groups of people were invited to participate. 1 was composed of those who were convinced that they are unlucky, while the other claimed to be extremely lucky all the time.

Both these groups of people were given simple instructions to follow an 'obstacle course' of sorts.It involved walking down a path and into a cafe. Within obstacle course were 3 main things...a $10 note on the floor, an offer announcement on the cashier and an individual that was supposed to strike up a conversation with the participant.

Here are the results...

Lucky Group - Almost everyone found the $10 note and saw the discount offer. Not only that, they said that they made a new friend while in the cafe.

Unlucky Group - Nobody found the $10 note. Nobody saw the discount. All of them just had their coffee alone.

Interesting huh?

While I personally agree that there are certain elements that are outside of our control (ie. who your parents are), the rest, I believe, are actually controllable.

One way I handle it is to control what I think.

Let's put it this way...just by controlling my thoughts, I am able to consistantly win at Texas Hold'em Poker with my friends. And I mean consistantly with at least 50% profit. I've yet to try it in a real casino, though I know once I'm confortable with the environment and I'm able to control my thoughts, I'm a winner.

I start to lose the very moment I get anxious, like when there are a couple of rounds where I lose and see my friends earning. What I do is simply get myself into the state where 'it's alright, money flows and it will flow to me'.

Then I start winning again.

It's the same for me when I won my LCD TV. For some reason, that morning I woke up, I KNEW I was going to win. No reason. I was going to win. Period.

And I did ^^

Was it plain good luck? Maybe.

There's one thing that I'm certain of though: My mindset contributed to the result.

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