"20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbour. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

(How to Improve Your Sales)...It's not about you!


Just finished 'The Millionaire Mindset' seminar 2 days ago, it was fantastic!

I aws surprised by how much anger I had bottled up about certain things that have probably hindered my growth these last few months.

Huh? Emotion? Millionaire? Link?

Will share next time ^^


I would like to talk about a fundamental mistake that people make when doing sales.


It is about your customer. Or the friend you are trying to convince that durain is not smelly. Or the boss you are trying to impress to give you a raise. Or.....

Point is, to get something you want, you must give them something THEY want.

I will use my experience in selling computers as an example.

For me personally, I want performance. That means I'm willing to pay a bit more. Size and weight doesn't really matter and must have a graphics card because I play games.

Now, I meet a customer, do I introduce the computer that I love and try to sell them that? NO!

What if he wanted something simple to surf the internet and watch movies with? Well, what if I was adamant that the computer I liked was good for him? Do you think he would buy it for me?


Because I was trying to fulfill MY needs, not HIS.

What he would have probably wanted was something cheap, not too high end with an average sized screen.

I was pushing for the top of the line system with all the bells and whistles thrown in.

Does the above situation sound like you?

So how do we find out what they want?

Ask Questions!

In this case it would have been like: Home or office use? What do you use it for? Any specific brands that you'd like? What's your budget like?

With such questions, don't you think I'd be able to find a more suitable recommendation that will suit HIS needs, make HIM happy and encourages him to BUY from me?

Same thing for arguements with friends, or anything that requires communicating with humans for that matter.

It is not only about us.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The MLM debate on Stomp

Have a look. I'm shadowoflight and most of the posts are towards the end.

It's quite an eye-opener when you consider the many views people have about this industry.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gratitude Dance!

Hey Folks
Just to help you along with having 'Gratitude' =D

Aim High And Get More Or Be Grateful With What We Have?

This has always been one of those issues that I've always had problems with.

On one hand, I have very large ambitions. I want material and immaterial growth. I want to live a life worthy of the gods.

On the other hand, we must never take things for granted. We should be happy with what we have. We shouldn't be greedy.

How to deal with this conundrum?

Bob Proctor summed it up pretty nicely:

"My grandma told me I should be satisfied with what I have. Guess what? Grandma was wrong. I should be 'Happy' with what I have but never be satisfied. It's is dissatisfaction that gave us the electrical bulb, air travel and the internet. Dissatisfaction is a creative state" - Bob Proctor

So, for those of you out there who are on the same road with me, we must remember to have genuine gratitude for the things that we have and the things that have happened to us, good or bad.

Hope this clears the conflict between ambition and gratitude.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Apologies

Oh dear...

I've made a grave mistake.

I've been trying trying to save people.

As a result of that, I've focused a lot of my energy on blasting and clamping down on a sunny company.

I tripped.

I'm sorry.

I was thinking with a scarcity mindset.

While I have been focusing on the sheep that led itself to be slaughtered, I forgot about the rest that have been looking to me for guidance. I've been trying to prevent people from being scammed as opposed to showing others who wants a real opportunity, the opportunity.

God...I didn't realise how prevalent sarcasm and negativity was in my previous posts.

I've been focusing on preventing the bad as opposed to creating the good.

I also forgot that, for some reason, the company that I'm involved in, it's very easy on those who thought they have lost all hope in the industry.

Nope..no way..I didn't see the article about the founder of sunshine losing out on an award.

Whoot. My company just won another international, unbiased, third party award. No advertisements required.

Alright. Changing gears from reverse to forward.

Isn't life interesting?

Onwards...to glory!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

James Phang's student was the founder of what?!

Cost Lab anyone?

Those of you in the network marketing industry or are pretty business savvy might have come across this company the last few years. I believe it had an office within the CBD area, though I can't confirm.

Apparently it was a failure.

Based on what I was told, the system they use is uncannily similar to that of Sunshine Empire's, difference being they had different products and that they guaranteed payouts. The latter difference being emphasized in black and white.

Sunshine, I believe, states that payouts are not guaranteed. In emphasized in black and white.


I was also recently informed that the founder of Cost Lab was (is?) a student of James Phang, the founder of Sunshine Empire.

Which leads me to another point...

I have a friend who has recently become a pretty big success in Amway. About two years ago, we talked about some of these schemes starting and failing and he told me, matter-of-a-factly, that he didn't mind participating. Why? Because:

1. He knew a few of those people who started such schemes and
2. As a result, he was always one of the 'Founding Members' and was guaranteed to make money.

He noted that many such money games were started by the same people.

He also reached the same conclusion as me: that if you want to join such games, join with eyes wide open and if what you are offered is in fact in its early stages, you can take the risk and join it. We also agreed that, since people are going to lose their money anyway, might was well lose it to you.

One of such companies he joined early in? Swisscash.
Update 07/11/07

From the Straits Times -

Added to the list of failures:
Number One Product (NOP) - marketing arm for an Indonesian resort project, Magic Kingdom, which was never built.

Hmm...sounds familiar..

Monday, October 29, 2007

Greedy greedy...

It's very ironic:

When presented with a legitimate Network Marketing opportunity, one of the most common objections you get is "eee...it's a pyramid scam lar"


When the same person comes across one...promising high returns without effort in a short amount of time? "but it's a fixed payout! and stable returns! don't need to recruit/stock-up!"


When it's finally over, they ask why'd they do it in the first place.

Remember people..greed breeds stupidity.

So be smart.

With regards to such schemes...I was talking to a few of my friends and we agreed on one thing: if other people's gonna fall for it, it's always better to let their money fall into your hands.

Note the difference in attitude. It's about diverting the money to you...since it's got to be diverted elsewhere anyway. You can always do something good with that money.

This is purely for 1. those who wish to participate and 2. in schemes that have yet to mature.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sunshine Empire - Newsflash


Remember what I warned about Sunshine Empire?

It was announced on The Straits Times, 24/10/07, that it has been listed on the Monetary Authority of Singapore's (MAS) 'Warning' list for operating a potentially illegal pyramid.

I have been to the presentations.

I am in fact very impressed by their concept.

However a few things bug me, mainly:

* Essentially 'guaranteed' profits (you can give it many names.)

* Nothing wrong with an investment company, but paying out profits when the 'investments' are still incuring costs and have not even generated revenue?

* An over-priced callback service

* An understated emphasis on stocking up on 'callback service credits' to produce more profits.

* It's almost as if the callback service is just an excuse for people to put their money in. "We do have a product!"

Update, 29/01/08: - It seems like they have had quite a few products over the years. I've heard of them selling health products, and even shampoo. Fancy buying $10,000 worth of shampoo! Anyway, here's my point - it seems like their ultimate focus is to simply make money, evident in their changing of products. Nothing wrong with that, though it makes you a little uneasy isn't it?

* They recently increased their entry pricing and reduced their payouts. They say that this is to ensure longevity of the company. Which is hypocritical because:-
1. It goes against one of the basic principals of MLM, which is that everyone is given an 'equal chance' to reach the top. This act has essentially made it more difficult for newer distributors to join and grow.
2. It just proves the point that payout is made from continued recruitment of people.

* It looks and feels uncannily like a Ponzi Scheme


That being said, I also know of a quote, which basically says that truth comes in 3 stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self evident.

So I concede: despite the MAS warning listing, it is still possible that it is in fact a revolutionary concept in doing business. It is also possible that it's similarities with previous pyramids have cast a light of doubt over it.

Then comes another sticking problem: if it is too good to be true, it probably is.

update : 25/10/07

check the comments section for Sunshine Empire's point of view

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What is a Pyramid/Ponzi Scheme?

There are, in fact, quite a few articles that differenciate legal MLMs from such money games.

I'll link one of them here:


I would also like to highlight one portion of another article, which is basically a case study:

"1991: Cooper is the National Director of Training for American Gold Eagle, a gold coin MLM, and one of the early pioneers of the binary compensation plan. AGE is eventually shut down for securities and pyramid violations (they claimed the Gold Eagle coins were a great "investment"). The pyramid label was due mainly to AGE reps buying product solely to acquire additional income positions in the compensation plan (the emphasis was on recruitment, not actual sales of the products - keep that in mind for later)."

Sounds familiar to some of you?

Here's the link:


With so many companies nowadays coming up with smarter ways to work around rules that instantly qualify them as an illegal operation, we, as potential business builders, must have due diligence in making sure thatour choices don't burn us in the future.

P.S. To those in Sunshine Empire, start thinking long term. Such companies have been around since the early 1900s and are generally called 'Ponzi Schemes'. So thread lightly, and carry a big gun (hehehe)

Update 29/10/07

Here are some more links with regards to pyramids, ponzis and legal MLMs


Friday, September 14, 2007

How Do I Gain Confidence When Looking For A Job?

You have to be confident in yourself. (er...uh huh...)

Find out what are you good at and focus on those points during you interviews.

eg. I am good at speaking and am able to do presentations in a way that people understand. I let them know that.

As for points that need to be worked on, do just that as well. However, many make the mistake on focusing on only their bad points and lose confidence as a result.

An employer wouldn't mind if you are not good at something as long as you are willing to learn. Also, please...when you bring across the fact that you are willing to learn, make sure you really are willing to learn.eg. I'm not really good at doing financial paperwork. As a result, I might need someone to supervise me at the beginning.

Put yourself in your employers' shoes.

If you are hiring, what will you be looking for?

btw, you'd be surprised by how charitable some employers are.

Most important is not someone who is very good, but someone who is humble and willing to learn from their mistakes.

Reading some motivational books will help as well.

I've recommended a few before. Have a look at them here:

*From a loser to a Millionaire.. at age 26
*Sick of your life? Here's how to change it

Screw the cynics ...focus on what those who became successful say....why listen to the cynics when all they have to show are their failures as well?

One of the best methods is actually to just go for more. Keep going for interviews. Look for jobs that you aren't really interested in, prepare as if you're really interested and then just go for it. It's the hardest and the easiest method to do so, depending on how you look at it.

You must know what you are good at and be willing to accept your flaws as a reason for learning something new.

Hope I helped.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ya Feelin' Lucky, Punk?


Good Luck. Bad Luck.

Some say that Luck is something that is outside of our control, while there are others who claim that people create their own luck as they go along.

There was an experiment that about that actually:

2 Groups of people were invited to participate. 1 was composed of those who were convinced that they are unlucky, while the other claimed to be extremely lucky all the time.

Both these groups of people were given simple instructions to follow an 'obstacle course' of sorts.It involved walking down a path and into a cafe. Within obstacle course were 3 main things...a $10 note on the floor, an offer announcement on the cashier and an individual that was supposed to strike up a conversation with the participant.

Here are the results...

Lucky Group - Almost everyone found the $10 note and saw the discount offer. Not only that, they said that they made a new friend while in the cafe.

Unlucky Group - Nobody found the $10 note. Nobody saw the discount. All of them just had their coffee alone.

Interesting huh?

While I personally agree that there are certain elements that are outside of our control (ie. who your parents are), the rest, I believe, are actually controllable.

One way I handle it is to control what I think.

Let's put it this way...just by controlling my thoughts, I am able to consistantly win at Texas Hold'em Poker with my friends. And I mean consistantly with at least 50% profit. I've yet to try it in a real casino, though I know once I'm confortable with the environment and I'm able to control my thoughts, I'm a winner.

I start to lose the very moment I get anxious, like when there are a couple of rounds where I lose and see my friends earning. What I do is simply get myself into the state where 'it's alright, money flows and it will flow to me'.

Then I start winning again.

It's the same for me when I won my LCD TV. For some reason, that morning I woke up, I KNEW I was going to win. No reason. I was going to win. Period.

And I did ^^

Was it plain good luck? Maybe.

There's one thing that I'm certain of though: My mindset contributed to the result.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

First Impressions Count

Read ANY business book

Go to ANY business seminar

Talk to ANY successful businessman (as in..man..mankind? women included.)

And they will tell you one thing....that first impressions are very, very (did I say very?) important.

Studies have shown that an impression is made about a person/product/thing within the first 5 seconds of interaction. Once that is done, changing that becomes an utter pain in the arse.

Forget what they say about not 'judging a book by its cover'. Fact is that they do. Yes, they simply do. I believe everyone (including you and me) is guilty of this. This is also why stereo-types exist...because more often than not, they are true!

For those who argue that there are exceptions to the rule, you're right as well. However, notice the keyword here : - *exception*. It means that even though they exist, there are the minority.

So, apart from finding niches to start businesses in, when you start a business and want to make big money, do you cater to the minority or the majority. The majority right?

It's like why Mcdonalds makes a lot of money even though their burgers are average while some establishments, with the perfectly orgasmic burger, seldom make it big. It's because they cater to the majority. $2.50 from 100 people or $5 from 10?


Now that we'av established that first impressions count, it is important to realise that, even when cutting costs and/or maintaining low overheads, for things that are used to represent your business (ie. namecards, brochures and websites), it is best to keep them, well, presentable.

In fact, many business people have told me that one of the easiest ways to overcome the stigma that people have when dealing with new start-ups is to have very good presentation kits. This works especially well when meeting investors for your potential business.

So, you might have a photocopier that has changed 5 owners in 3 different continents and have a computer that has been handed down from your grandma, but when it comes to designing your documents and namecards, do spend a little bit more. Within your means of course.

Some key tips:

1. Design based on your industry, ie. crayon sketches for your next generation insurance company = bad.

2. Printouts should be on good quality semi-glossy paper (Glossy's plain irritating)

3. COLOUR printouts.

4. Absolutely avoid black and white photocopies. They are only meant for non-marketing documents (ie. contracts, terms and conditions).

5. Unless design demands it, use sans-serif fonts (ie. arial), especially for power point presentations. (sans-serif fonts are easier on the eyes, compared to serif fonts like times new roman).

6. Bind your booklets/brochures. Clutter = bad.

7. K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Oh, right, if you have an office, it's ok to get new equipment (with regards to getting 2nd hand stuff) , mainly for presentations sake. Keep all the zombie items out of the customers' sight! Go ahead and get a new set of LCD monitor and keyboard+mouse while the rotting computer's under the desk ;-)
Brands are actually quite important as well. Just get something reputable for a start.

Alright, that was for non living items.

On to the presentation of the squishy being...you. (fine..and me..)

The same basic rules apply for our exterior...things like:

1. Be Neat
2. Don't smell funky, smell nice
3. Dress for the occasion (business suits for the artists convention? hmm)
4. Don't overdo it. It's not a dressing competition.

Other things to take note of are:

1. Posture Posture Posture!

A good posture denotes confidance, ability and social standing. I've gotten away with terrible dressing because (I'm proud to say) of my good posture. Unless you're born with a handicap, you should be standing upright, shoulders back, stomachs in and chest out (I believe its the same for the ladies) and be relaxed while doing so.

2. Eye Contact

No..not stare. Jeez. Eye contact also represents confidance. A trick I learnt is to look at the person's right eye (on your left while you look at him/her) while talking. I can't remember the where I learnt it from or how it works, but this simple act makes them more comfortable with you without knowing why. It's supposed to help you give them that 'twinkle' in your eye as well.

As Drew Stevens, Ph.D., author of Presentation with Muscle, says, " I don't want anybody to think of me a sole-proprietor--a one-stop-shop business that's only doing $50,000 to $100,000 a year. I want them to think I'm a $100 or $200 million company."
So, First impression count.

Sorry for the long article, had lots to cover!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sick of your life? Here's how to change it

Heyz, Bugger here

And it's Adam Khoo again!

I actually introduced his "The Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires" about a week ago.

For those of you who missed it, Adam actually went from a mentality lethargic, physically weak and socially inept problem student who was addicted to television, computer games to a confidant, charismatic and successful multi-millionaire at the age of 26.

He's also been on many magazines and interviews, as seen here:

This time, as the name "Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny" suggests, the focus is more on personal developement as opposed to just wealth creation.

He talks about:

The fact that you already have what it takes to be successful

The secret of peak performance

The reason why what you believe will ultimately decide how you and your life will end up without fail

And many more!

So, if you are sick of under-archieving, being lousy at everything, not being able to do what you want and you want to improve on all aspects of your life, then do yourself a favor, don't waste time and check it out at :


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Secrets Of The Rich - Accountability

Basically means he makes himself accountable for all that has happened to him.

If he is poor, it's his fault. If he failed a project, he probably skipped something. If he did not win, he didn't do enough to deserve that win.

He doesn't blame the environment. Meaning, it's not the boss' fault that he has a low pay. It's not his teamate's fault if they lost the match. It's not the govenments fault that he is now a bankrupt.

Well, true, it's a little dangerous if you take it too far. You'd probably end up @ an mental institute. The real trick is to reframe it such that it isn't destructive and yet it will compel you to do better next time.

Fact is that too many of us blame everything and everyone else except for ourselves. That's not the problem. The problem is that when that happens, we think that everything is ok, and then make the same mistake again.

Not smart. I believe that to live non-constructively is a sin. So for those who are just browsing...just forget what I said ^^

For the rest of us who aspire to be something, let us just hope that we will not be destroyed because we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions, no matter how ugly the truth of it may be.

Godspeed ^^

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Are prospects avoiding you like the plague?

Check this video out.

Are you doing this? If you are, then it's probably why people are avoiding you like mad.

free video hosting
Free Video Hosting

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

From a loser to a Millionaire.. at age 26

Do you want to be a Millionaire?


Let's do it again...

Do you really..really want to be a Millionaire?

Is that a resounding 'YES!' I heard?


Because I'm here to introduce to you one of the most life changing things that you could ever get.

That's right, it's "The Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires"

No...it's not written by me.

Who knows, there might one day be "A Bugger's Guide to Success" !

In the meantime...

This package was created by an individual by the name of Adam Khoo.

He went from a mentality lethargic, physically weak and socially inept problem student who was addicted to television, computer games to a confidant, charismatic and successful multi-millionaire at the age of 26.

Think about it. At age 26, most of us are either still studying or are working with no inkling of what we want to do with our lives while Adam here runs multiple businesses and charges $1000 an hour helping people twice his age improve on their lives.

He's something of a celebrity where I come from...have a look:

Nuff' said.

In this package, he talks about the 7-steps to Wealth Creation, which are:

1. Adopt a Millionaire Mindset

2. Set Clear Financial Goals

3. Create A Financial Plan

4. Massively Increase Your Income

5. Manage Your Money & Reduce Expenses

6. Grow Your Money at Millionaire Returns

7. Protect Your Fortune

Wanna learn more?

Friday, July 27, 2007

2nd Hand Wisdom - for New Start-Ups

One of the things that many people make when starting a brand new business is to buy everything brand spanking new.

I mean, of course, if you have a rich uncle that just gave you a million bucks with no conditions attached for you new venture, then go ahead and splurge a little.

However, for the rest of us who don't have rich relatives or people who give us money baths for no reason, getting the latest brand new gizmo's not the best thing to do.

Let's face it.

How many times have we spent a lot of time researching what are the best products to get (ie. a fax machine) and then spending tons of money on them only to realise later that...they are as good as another option at less than half the price?

This is especially true for new entrepreneurs (me included). There is always this sense like it is an absolute MUST to get the latest gadgets to ensure a that our new ventures are a success.

Sure, you know having a photocopier that has a built in microwave's cool, but if it costs $1000 more than the standard $99 fax...is it really worth it?

I know of a relative who got so excited that the first thing he went to do was to buy a brand new van. With Cash. He had to figure out where all the money went to when he needed additional equipment.

Get ahold of that excitement and channel those energies to doing other things like long-term planning while you spend a little more time shopping around for what you really need. Check out the 2nd hand classified ads and stores, you'd be surprised at what you'll find.

In fact, one of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the number of people who are selling things that they just bought (like 3 days ago?) and are selling it at bargain prices. Do them a service. Help get rid of their new, unwanted equipment. ^^

If you really have to get it brand new, and there aren't any suckers who are selling them @ 2nd hand avenues, then shop around. Don't commit too quickly. Bargain even if it says 'fixed price'. Trust me. I've been in sales pretty much my entire (short) life and it's very easy to make a killing on someone who doesn't shop around. You'd also be amazed by the price difference between different venders who are selling the same exact thing.

To Sum it up:

1. Prioritise - what needs spending now? Must it be new?
2. Shop around - don't be a sucker
3. Alternative avenues - get them second hand if possible.

Just to make a point: the one thing that probably justifies having a larger budget for are things that help with first impressions. Things like namecards, folders, front desk equipment etc etc...but that's for another topic, at for another time ^^ (bugger!)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

SEO Tools Dump

Here's a dump of a lot of tools that I've collected for Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. Most of them are free. Hopefully you find something useful here

SEO Code of Ethics

* Search Engine Optimization Code of Ethics

Search Engines Guidelines for Webmasters

* Google Webmaster Guidelines
* Yahoo! Search Site Guidelines http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/basics/basics-18.html
* MSN Guidelines for Webmasters http://search.msn.com.my/webmasters/guidelines.aspx
* Ask Jeeves Guidelines for Webmasters http://sp.ask.com/docs/about/policy.html
* Open Directory Editorial Guidelines http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html
* Zeal Guidelines Overview http://www.zeal.com/guidelines/overview.jhtml
* Overture's SiteMatch? Content Guidelines http://www.content.overture.com/d/USm/ays/sm_gl.jhtml

* Filing at Google a reinclusion request - how to http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/reinclusion-request-howto/

Search Engine Spammer Reporting

* Overture, AllTheWebmailto:feedback@Overture.com
* AltaVista http://www.altavista.com/help/contact/search
* Google, AOL http://www.google.com/contact/spamreport.html
* Ask Jeeves http://sp.ask.com/docs/about/contact_tuwyt.php
* DMOZ / ODP http://report-abuse.dmoz.org/
* Lycos http://help.lycos.com/watchdog/watchdog_1_help.asp
* Inktomi, MSN reportspam@inktomi.com
* Teoma ask@teoma.com
* Yahoo reportsearchspam@yahoo-inc.com

Search Engines Information for Webmasters

* Google Information for Webmasters http://www.google.com/webmasters/bot.html

SEO Tutorials

* SEOmoz Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization http://www.seomoz.org/beginners.php * Do It Yourself SEO, Where Do I Begin http://www.jaankanellis.com/seo-where-do-i-begin/
* Basics of search engine optimisation http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/2005...e_optimisation/
* Website Promotion Tutorials by instantPROMOTION


* SEO Toolkit 21 part guide to getting a top-10 listing on Google and Yahoo http://www.rlrouse.com/SEO.html
* Ten Tips to the Top of the Search Engines

* Bruce Cley Search Engine Optimization Technical
Tips http://www.bruceclay.com/seo-tech-tips/techtips.htm

Free Online SEO Tools

* Email Scrambler http://tools.blogflux.com/emailscramble/
(stop email farming now!)
* Button Maker http://tools.blogflux.com/buttonmaker/
* instantPROMOTION SEO Tools http://www.instantposition.com/free_tools.cfm
* Sitening SEO Analyzer - A Web Standards &
SEO Web Design Page Analyzer http://www.sitening.com/tools/seo-analyzer/
* Reaction Engine Free Online SEO Analysis http://www.reactionengine.com/
* Digitalpoint Keyword Ranking Monitor (Search Engine Positioning Tool) http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/keywords/
* SEOBook Free SEO Tools http://tools.seobook.com/
* AbiLogic Page Keywords Analyzer http://www.abilogic.com/seo/
* SEO Scanner http://www.webmasterbrain.com/
* Keyword Density & Prominence http://www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html
* Meta Tag Analyzer http://www.submitexpress.com/analyzer/
* Search Engine Keyword Tracker & Keyword Ranking Tool http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/keywords/
* Web Site Analysis http://www.sitesolutions.com/analysis.asp
* Free Robots.txt Generator http://www.mcanerin.com/search-engine/robots-txt.htm
* Robots.txt syntax checker http://www.sxw.org.uk/computing/robots/check.html
* Robots.txt Validator http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/robotcheck.cgi
* Link Vendor SEO Tools http://www.linkvendor.com/seo-tools/
* Bad Neighborhood Text Link Checker http://www.bad-neighborhood.com/
* Google Banned Tool http://www.123promotion.co.uk/tools/googlebanned.php
* Free Site Map Generator http://www.bad-neighborhood.com/

Full Package SEO Tools

* SEOBook

Free SEO Desktop Tools

* WebCEO http://www.webnauts.net/webceo.html
* Good Keywords http://www.goodkeywords.com/
* Free Monitor for Google http://www.cleverstat.com/google-monitor-query.htm
* SEO Junkie Site Wide Duplicate Content Analyzer
* GSite Crawler Google Sitemap Generator for Windows http://gsitecrawler.com/

Web Site Submission at Major Search Engines

* Google http://www.google.com/addurl/
* Yahoo! https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.src=s...om/free/request
* MSN http://search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx

Web Site Submission at Human-edited Directories

* DMOZ http://www.dmoz.org/add.html

* Webnauts Net Human and Search Engine Friendly Web Directory http://directory.webnauts.net/suggest-link.php

SEO Discussion Forums

* Webnauts Net http://forums.webnauts.net/
* Digitalpoint http://forums.digitalpoint.com/
* Google Community http://www.googlecommunity.com/
* Search Engine Forums http://www.searchengineforums.com/


I've been using Bluehost for 2 years now, after switching over from Startlogic. No complaints. Real easy to use, fantastic customer service. Won 'Best Webhosting', 'Best Customer Service' and was rated #1 for many years in many webhosting review sites. Check it out.

Affiliate Programs

* Clickbank - Digital Products (Recommended)
* LinkShare - Over 10 million partnerships
* Marketing Tips Affiliate - Sell products from The Grandfather of Internet Marketing

Payment Portals

* Clickbank - Digital Products
* Paypal - Almost everything, safest, affordable and
most recommended


* e-mailpaysu - highly recommended - either join and earn, or click 'ADVERTISE' to advertise. this program is good.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Internet Marketing Must Have - Clickbank

I'm sure most of you have heard of Clickbank (cb)

It's the BIGGEST place to look for things to sell online.

It's also the BIGGEST place for you to list your items to SELL.

It's one of the EASIEST Online Marketing systems to use.

It also has a FANTASTIC Affiliate programe...

So, if you..

Want to look for things to sell online
Want to sell your stuff online
Want an easy way to accept online payments
Want an easy way to get affiliates to sell your products
Want to earn BIG MOENY online
Want to do all the above AFFORDABLY...

Then clickbank is the way to go.

And you know what?


You only need to give them a small commission for every sales you make as a publisher!

As an affiliate and member, it's free!

So what are you waiting for? Join now!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Secrets Of The Rich - Leverage

A rich person knows that he using his own strength he can never multiply his own efforts and so he seeks means and ways to do so with not only what he has, but with other people's contribution as well.

Life is filled with examples where the 'best' thing/service/product almost always can't seem to survive while those that make it big time are those with average product/service but have the best systems in place...example:

Mcdonalds - They don't have the best burgers, however their franchise system is responsible for their viral like growth.

Toyota - Their stuff is never outstanding, but it is always good enough and affordable. Soon to take over as the biggest car manufacturer in the world.

Someone once summed it up by saying that he'd rather have 10% productivity of 10 men then 100% productivity of himself. That way he can get the same work done and still have resources to do other things as well.

So what are the things that we must leverage?
1. Money
2. Effort
3. Time.

Money - In singapore, banks have a pathetic interest rate of abt 0.25%.. I believe that's also the case for many banks around the world.So, saving's a pathetically slow way to get rich don't you think?

Investing is one way to leverage on money to earn more money. Obviously there are the so called 'risky' investment vehicles, as well as the 'safe' ones. The point is that if you want your money to grow on its own and not only by adding to it, you will need to get it invested.

Time / Effort -

Why are large companies able to do things the way they do? Why some people spend their entire lives running a business which doesn't seem to grow? That's because they are able or unable to leverage on other people's time and effort.

Businesses stay small when the owner insists on doing everything himself. That's fine in the beginning when costs have to be kept low, however once things start to grow, he ought to grow his manpower as well.

If you noticed, most people are rich because they own businesses, invested, struck lottery or gena a large inheritence. Obviously, most of us aren't lucky enough for the last 2 to happen to us.

So, for those of us who can't seem to strike lotteries at will and don't have relatives who are stinking rich, I guess the only way is for us to venture out and learn more about businesses and investment.

Nothing ventured...nothing gained.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Secrets Of The Rich - Insurance

Why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? many reasons... and one of them..that has been given too much negative coverage is this...


If you are unsure about savings or investment accounts, nevermine. Just get some blardy insurance for things like : personal hospitalisation, disease, car, etc.

Life of a poor man:

Save save save save....wow $30,000

Shit..gena some farny disease...$30,000 gone.

Save save save save...nice nice..now $30,000 again

Shit...some idiot banged into car...$ 30,000 gone.

save save save save...phew...$30,000!!!

Shit...roof leaking...$30,000 gone.

You get the point.

Think about it. One of the reasons the rich get richer is because even though they already have the money, they have insurance to ensure that they do not need to touch their own money when an emergency arises.

Does it cost a bomb to get insurance? No. $50/mth could probably cover you for almost $100,000 for major illnesses. I can understand why some people get the feeling that they should kill themselves even after the hardships of recovery from a serious illness. It usually happens when they see the bill.

And you know what? You can't bring down the costs coz 1. the machinary is expensive and 2. the personal is expensive. Yea you want cheap fees. For that you need cheap labour. Would you be willing to work for cheap fees after going through half your life and spending tons to get your MD?

There you go.

Go talk to an insurance agent and try to get the following covered:

Self - Hospitalisation (non major illnes)
Self - Major Illness
Self - Disability
Self - assets (car, house)
Others - death (unless u could care less for the people who took care of you)


Personal experience: I got a disease called Meningites out of the blue (go wiki it). It was a non-specific, probable bacteria infection (which is basically as good as saying 'unknown'). After 2 weeks of hospitalisation, the total hospital bill was almost $20,000. Thank god it happened while I was in the Army...they sponsored it. Out of all that, I only paid $90 out of my medisafe account. Well, given my families' current financial status, I wonder what would happen if I wasn't in the army and I had no coverage for that at all. Wtf are they going to find that money? And for a hospitalised illness, $20,000 was already a pretty small sum. What if something worst happened to me? I'm not going to find out... Do yourselves a favor...if not for financial reasons..then for health..ok?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

To Study...or not to study? - Part 2

Many became successful without a formal education..so why should I have one?

Now, here's the thing...Hmmm...I think asking questions will be easier...

Just What The Hell is Studying For?

Is is for a diploma/degree/masters/PhD?

Ok then...what is THAT for?

Get a job? hmm alright...Then what's a job for?

Earn a livelihood? ahhh true...true...

Then...what's a livelihood for?

Just so that you can have kids to let the cycle repeat itself?

If that's the SOLE reason for studying....isn't that sad?

Let me digress a little here...and tell you the reason why some people are able to make good grades in school while the rest believe that good grades aren't even possible...

It is Purpose.

Studying for the sake of studying is a fundamental reason why many of us don't make the grade. There's no point in getting a good grade. It's just something that everyone does.

A purpose give one a reason to put in the effort for the good grades.

Purpose varies: It could be that Tom wants to be a lawyer, so he knows that an entry into a good university will benefit him. It could also be that Sue wants to impress Jack. Or it could be that Micheal wants to brag about it.

Whatever it is, with purpose comes the ability to make decisions and perform.

From here, I would like to make another point: Having a formal education is a TOOL for you to archieve whatever you want.

You are smart right? So please...please don't fall into the stupid trap of getting a cert for the sake of it.

So ie. Want to be a doctor? Get a medical cert. Want to name planets? Work towards your PhD in physics and geography.

And what about the things that don't need a cert...like business?

Let's just say that some things are easier to pick up when you get down and dirty with it (yes yes...like making love..).

What about a cert in business?Well....why not? It's up to you really.

At the end of the day, know what you want, then you will find out how to get there, cert or no cert.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

To Study...or not to study?

Hey! He/She/It became rich without a formal education! Why can't I?! (Humph)

Right, I think this' a good topic to start on.

Well, to those of you who are deciding whether or not to carry on studying or to simply do an immediately enrollment into the school of hard-knocks..you need to ask yourselves a few questions..

1. What do I want?

What is it that you want to do? Are you into business? Passionate about helping animals? Want to find a cure for aids? Have absolutely no idea?

What you want pretty much determines whether or not you should take up the books or just leave them be.

I'm sure you're smart enough to figure that one out. Here's a hint, while you can work the hard way through starting a business...it's very unlikely you'll know how to find a cure for aids without proper education.

2. Are you prepared to be different from the rest?

Choosing a path that differs from everyone else's has its advantages and disadvantages.

For a start, when gathering with old friends, you might feel a little out of place at times because the topics that are being thrown around tend to be different from what you know.Also, the tendency is for those of us who chose the path less taken to feel a little inedequate at first...why? Because, in most cases, our archievements will be slightly behind, compared to our peers. (ie. those with jobs earning more than the rest of us trying to build businesses)

A bad thing can also be good as well. Along the way, you are bound to meet people who share your views. You'll have more friends as a result. That is quite important actually, as we are all social beings (most of us anyway). Having friends who are able to emphatise with us is a very important factor of success.

3. Are you tough enough?

Well, as above, going against the flow will definitely be rougher. You will be tested. Your resolve questioned. You will subjected to incredible pressure. Tolerate biasedness towards those with paper qualifications...etc

You will also have to be resourceful, as most systems in place are meant for the mainstream. Most of the time...especially at the beginning, you will have to find you own way around problems.

4. Are you willing to make sacrifices?

Well, because you decided to go against the flow, compromises will have to be made.

Most of the time, it would be the need to put in more time and effort at the beginning. Sacrificing instant gratification for long term benefits.

In short: Moving outside of your comfort zone.

To be continued...

Monday, June 18, 2007


Hey People!

I just your average bugger in his early ealy 20's setting out to make a life for himself.

I've actually been dabbling in the topic of business for quite awhile. I hope that by sharing my experiences...both good and bad...you will be able to benefit from them!I will be talking about things like traditional businesses, mlm, internet marketing and even personal development.So, for the moment, please hang one for more content!