"20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbour. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

From a loser to a Millionaire.. at age 26

Do you want to be a Millionaire?


Let's do it again...

Do you really..really want to be a Millionaire?

Is that a resounding 'YES!' I heard?


Because I'm here to introduce to you one of the most life changing things that you could ever get.

That's right, it's "The Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires"

No...it's not written by me.

Who knows, there might one day be "A Bugger's Guide to Success" !

In the meantime...

This package was created by an individual by the name of Adam Khoo.

He went from a mentality lethargic, physically weak and socially inept problem student who was addicted to television, computer games to a confidant, charismatic and successful multi-millionaire at the age of 26.

Think about it. At age 26, most of us are either still studying or are working with no inkling of what we want to do with our lives while Adam here runs multiple businesses and charges $1000 an hour helping people twice his age improve on their lives.

He's something of a celebrity where I come from...have a look:

Nuff' said.

In this package, he talks about the 7-steps to Wealth Creation, which are:

1. Adopt a Millionaire Mindset

2. Set Clear Financial Goals

3. Create A Financial Plan

4. Massively Increase Your Income

5. Manage Your Money & Reduce Expenses

6. Grow Your Money at Millionaire Returns

7. Protect Your Fortune

Wanna learn more?

Friday, July 27, 2007

2nd Hand Wisdom - for New Start-Ups

One of the things that many people make when starting a brand new business is to buy everything brand spanking new.

I mean, of course, if you have a rich uncle that just gave you a million bucks with no conditions attached for you new venture, then go ahead and splurge a little.

However, for the rest of us who don't have rich relatives or people who give us money baths for no reason, getting the latest brand new gizmo's not the best thing to do.

Let's face it.

How many times have we spent a lot of time researching what are the best products to get (ie. a fax machine) and then spending tons of money on them only to realise later that...they are as good as another option at less than half the price?

This is especially true for new entrepreneurs (me included). There is always this sense like it is an absolute MUST to get the latest gadgets to ensure a that our new ventures are a success.

Sure, you know having a photocopier that has a built in microwave's cool, but if it costs $1000 more than the standard $99 fax...is it really worth it?

I know of a relative who got so excited that the first thing he went to do was to buy a brand new van. With Cash. He had to figure out where all the money went to when he needed additional equipment.

Get ahold of that excitement and channel those energies to doing other things like long-term planning while you spend a little more time shopping around for what you really need. Check out the 2nd hand classified ads and stores, you'd be surprised at what you'll find.

In fact, one of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the number of people who are selling things that they just bought (like 3 days ago?) and are selling it at bargain prices. Do them a service. Help get rid of their new, unwanted equipment. ^^

If you really have to get it brand new, and there aren't any suckers who are selling them @ 2nd hand avenues, then shop around. Don't commit too quickly. Bargain even if it says 'fixed price'. Trust me. I've been in sales pretty much my entire (short) life and it's very easy to make a killing on someone who doesn't shop around. You'd also be amazed by the price difference between different venders who are selling the same exact thing.

To Sum it up:

1. Prioritise - what needs spending now? Must it be new?
2. Shop around - don't be a sucker
3. Alternative avenues - get them second hand if possible.

Just to make a point: the one thing that probably justifies having a larger budget for are things that help with first impressions. Things like namecards, folders, front desk equipment etc etc...but that's for another topic, at for another time ^^ (bugger!)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

SEO Tools Dump

Here's a dump of a lot of tools that I've collected for Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. Most of them are free. Hopefully you find something useful here

SEO Code of Ethics

* Search Engine Optimization Code of Ethics

Search Engines Guidelines for Webmasters

* Google Webmaster Guidelines
* Yahoo! Search Site Guidelines http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/basics/basics-18.html
* MSN Guidelines for Webmasters http://search.msn.com.my/webmasters/guidelines.aspx
* Ask Jeeves Guidelines for Webmasters http://sp.ask.com/docs/about/policy.html
* Open Directory Editorial Guidelines http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html
* Zeal Guidelines Overview http://www.zeal.com/guidelines/overview.jhtml
* Overture's SiteMatch? Content Guidelines http://www.content.overture.com/d/USm/ays/sm_gl.jhtml

* Filing at Google a reinclusion request - how to http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/reinclusion-request-howto/

Search Engine Spammer Reporting

* Overture, AllTheWebmailto:feedback@Overture.com
* AltaVista http://www.altavista.com/help/contact/search
* Google, AOL http://www.google.com/contact/spamreport.html
* Ask Jeeves http://sp.ask.com/docs/about/contact_tuwyt.php
* DMOZ / ODP http://report-abuse.dmoz.org/
* Lycos http://help.lycos.com/watchdog/watchdog_1_help.asp
* Inktomi, MSN reportspam@inktomi.com
* Teoma ask@teoma.com
* Yahoo reportsearchspam@yahoo-inc.com

Search Engines Information for Webmasters

* Google Information for Webmasters http://www.google.com/webmasters/bot.html

SEO Tutorials

* SEOmoz Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization http://www.seomoz.org/beginners.php * Do It Yourself SEO, Where Do I Begin http://www.jaankanellis.com/seo-where-do-i-begin/
* Basics of search engine optimisation http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/2005...e_optimisation/
* Website Promotion Tutorials by instantPROMOTION


* SEO Toolkit 21 part guide to getting a top-10 listing on Google and Yahoo http://www.rlrouse.com/SEO.html
* Ten Tips to the Top of the Search Engines

* Bruce Cley Search Engine Optimization Technical
Tips http://www.bruceclay.com/seo-tech-tips/techtips.htm

Free Online SEO Tools

* Email Scrambler http://tools.blogflux.com/emailscramble/
(stop email farming now!)
* Button Maker http://tools.blogflux.com/buttonmaker/
* instantPROMOTION SEO Tools http://www.instantposition.com/free_tools.cfm
* Sitening SEO Analyzer - A Web Standards &
SEO Web Design Page Analyzer http://www.sitening.com/tools/seo-analyzer/
* Reaction Engine Free Online SEO Analysis http://www.reactionengine.com/
* Digitalpoint Keyword Ranking Monitor (Search Engine Positioning Tool) http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/keywords/
* SEOBook Free SEO Tools http://tools.seobook.com/
* AbiLogic Page Keywords Analyzer http://www.abilogic.com/seo/
* SEO Scanner http://www.webmasterbrain.com/
* Keyword Density & Prominence http://www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html
* Meta Tag Analyzer http://www.submitexpress.com/analyzer/
* Search Engine Keyword Tracker & Keyword Ranking Tool http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/keywords/
* Web Site Analysis http://www.sitesolutions.com/analysis.asp
* Free Robots.txt Generator http://www.mcanerin.com/search-engine/robots-txt.htm
* Robots.txt syntax checker http://www.sxw.org.uk/computing/robots/check.html
* Robots.txt Validator http://www.searchengineworld.com/cgi-bin/robotcheck.cgi
* Link Vendor SEO Tools http://www.linkvendor.com/seo-tools/
* Bad Neighborhood Text Link Checker http://www.bad-neighborhood.com/
* Google Banned Tool http://www.123promotion.co.uk/tools/googlebanned.php
* Free Site Map Generator http://www.bad-neighborhood.com/

Full Package SEO Tools

* SEOBook

Free SEO Desktop Tools

* WebCEO http://www.webnauts.net/webceo.html
* Good Keywords http://www.goodkeywords.com/
* Free Monitor for Google http://www.cleverstat.com/google-monitor-query.htm
* SEO Junkie Site Wide Duplicate Content Analyzer
* GSite Crawler Google Sitemap Generator for Windows http://gsitecrawler.com/

Web Site Submission at Major Search Engines

* Google http://www.google.com/addurl/
* Yahoo! https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.src=s...om/free/request
* MSN http://search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx

Web Site Submission at Human-edited Directories

* DMOZ http://www.dmoz.org/add.html

* Webnauts Net Human and Search Engine Friendly Web Directory http://directory.webnauts.net/suggest-link.php

SEO Discussion Forums

* Webnauts Net http://forums.webnauts.net/
* Digitalpoint http://forums.digitalpoint.com/
* Google Community http://www.googlecommunity.com/
* Search Engine Forums http://www.searchengineforums.com/


I've been using Bluehost for 2 years now, after switching over from Startlogic. No complaints. Real easy to use, fantastic customer service. Won 'Best Webhosting', 'Best Customer Service' and was rated #1 for many years in many webhosting review sites. Check it out.

Affiliate Programs

* Clickbank - Digital Products (Recommended)
* LinkShare - Over 10 million partnerships
* Marketing Tips Affiliate - Sell products from The Grandfather of Internet Marketing

Payment Portals

* Clickbank - Digital Products
* Paypal - Almost everything, safest, affordable and
most recommended


* e-mailpaysu - highly recommended - either join and earn, or click 'ADVERTISE' to advertise. this program is good.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Internet Marketing Must Have - Clickbank

I'm sure most of you have heard of Clickbank (cb)

It's the BIGGEST place to look for things to sell online.

It's also the BIGGEST place for you to list your items to SELL.

It's one of the EASIEST Online Marketing systems to use.

It also has a FANTASTIC Affiliate programe...

So, if you..

Want to look for things to sell online
Want to sell your stuff online
Want an easy way to accept online payments
Want an easy way to get affiliates to sell your products
Want to earn BIG MOENY online
Want to do all the above AFFORDABLY...

Then clickbank is the way to go.

And you know what?


You only need to give them a small commission for every sales you make as a publisher!

As an affiliate and member, it's free!

So what are you waiting for? Join now!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Secrets Of The Rich - Leverage

A rich person knows that he using his own strength he can never multiply his own efforts and so he seeks means and ways to do so with not only what he has, but with other people's contribution as well.

Life is filled with examples where the 'best' thing/service/product almost always can't seem to survive while those that make it big time are those with average product/service but have the best systems in place...example:

Mcdonalds - They don't have the best burgers, however their franchise system is responsible for their viral like growth.

Toyota - Their stuff is never outstanding, but it is always good enough and affordable. Soon to take over as the biggest car manufacturer in the world.

Someone once summed it up by saying that he'd rather have 10% productivity of 10 men then 100% productivity of himself. That way he can get the same work done and still have resources to do other things as well.

So what are the things that we must leverage?
1. Money
2. Effort
3. Time.

Money - In singapore, banks have a pathetic interest rate of abt 0.25%.. I believe that's also the case for many banks around the world.So, saving's a pathetically slow way to get rich don't you think?

Investing is one way to leverage on money to earn more money. Obviously there are the so called 'risky' investment vehicles, as well as the 'safe' ones. The point is that if you want your money to grow on its own and not only by adding to it, you will need to get it invested.

Time / Effort -

Why are large companies able to do things the way they do? Why some people spend their entire lives running a business which doesn't seem to grow? That's because they are able or unable to leverage on other people's time and effort.

Businesses stay small when the owner insists on doing everything himself. That's fine in the beginning when costs have to be kept low, however once things start to grow, he ought to grow his manpower as well.

If you noticed, most people are rich because they own businesses, invested, struck lottery or gena a large inheritence. Obviously, most of us aren't lucky enough for the last 2 to happen to us.

So, for those of us who can't seem to strike lotteries at will and don't have relatives who are stinking rich, I guess the only way is for us to venture out and learn more about businesses and investment.

Nothing ventured...nothing gained.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Secrets Of The Rich - Insurance

Why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? many reasons... and one of them..that has been given too much negative coverage is this...


If you are unsure about savings or investment accounts, nevermine. Just get some blardy insurance for things like : personal hospitalisation, disease, car, etc.

Life of a poor man:

Save save save save....wow $30,000

Shit..gena some farny disease...$30,000 gone.

Save save save save...nice nice..now $30,000 again

Shit...some idiot banged into car...$ 30,000 gone.

save save save save...phew...$30,000!!!

Shit...roof leaking...$30,000 gone.

You get the point.

Think about it. One of the reasons the rich get richer is because even though they already have the money, they have insurance to ensure that they do not need to touch their own money when an emergency arises.

Does it cost a bomb to get insurance? No. $50/mth could probably cover you for almost $100,000 for major illnesses. I can understand why some people get the feeling that they should kill themselves even after the hardships of recovery from a serious illness. It usually happens when they see the bill.

And you know what? You can't bring down the costs coz 1. the machinary is expensive and 2. the personal is expensive. Yea you want cheap fees. For that you need cheap labour. Would you be willing to work for cheap fees after going through half your life and spending tons to get your MD?

There you go.

Go talk to an insurance agent and try to get the following covered:

Self - Hospitalisation (non major illnes)
Self - Major Illness
Self - Disability
Self - assets (car, house)
Others - death (unless u could care less for the people who took care of you)


Personal experience: I got a disease called Meningites out of the blue (go wiki it). It was a non-specific, probable bacteria infection (which is basically as good as saying 'unknown'). After 2 weeks of hospitalisation, the total hospital bill was almost $20,000. Thank god it happened while I was in the Army...they sponsored it. Out of all that, I only paid $90 out of my medisafe account. Well, given my families' current financial status, I wonder what would happen if I wasn't in the army and I had no coverage for that at all. Wtf are they going to find that money? And for a hospitalised illness, $20,000 was already a pretty small sum. What if something worst happened to me? I'm not going to find out... Do yourselves a favor...if not for financial reasons..then for health..ok?