"20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbour. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

(How to Improve Your Sales)...It's not about you!


Just finished 'The Millionaire Mindset' seminar 2 days ago, it was fantastic!

I aws surprised by how much anger I had bottled up about certain things that have probably hindered my growth these last few months.

Huh? Emotion? Millionaire? Link?

Will share next time ^^


I would like to talk about a fundamental mistake that people make when doing sales.


It is about your customer. Or the friend you are trying to convince that durain is not smelly. Or the boss you are trying to impress to give you a raise. Or.....

Point is, to get something you want, you must give them something THEY want.

I will use my experience in selling computers as an example.

For me personally, I want performance. That means I'm willing to pay a bit more. Size and weight doesn't really matter and must have a graphics card because I play games.

Now, I meet a customer, do I introduce the computer that I love and try to sell them that? NO!

What if he wanted something simple to surf the internet and watch movies with? Well, what if I was adamant that the computer I liked was good for him? Do you think he would buy it for me?


Because I was trying to fulfill MY needs, not HIS.

What he would have probably wanted was something cheap, not too high end with an average sized screen.

I was pushing for the top of the line system with all the bells and whistles thrown in.

Does the above situation sound like you?

So how do we find out what they want?

Ask Questions!

In this case it would have been like: Home or office use? What do you use it for? Any specific brands that you'd like? What's your budget like?

With such questions, don't you think I'd be able to find a more suitable recommendation that will suit HIS needs, make HIM happy and encourages him to BUY from me?

Same thing for arguements with friends, or anything that requires communicating with humans for that matter.

It is not only about us.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The MLM debate on Stomp

Have a look. I'm shadowoflight and most of the posts are towards the end.

It's quite an eye-opener when you consider the many views people have about this industry.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gratitude Dance!

Hey Folks
Just to help you along with having 'Gratitude' =D

Aim High And Get More Or Be Grateful With What We Have?

This has always been one of those issues that I've always had problems with.

On one hand, I have very large ambitions. I want material and immaterial growth. I want to live a life worthy of the gods.

On the other hand, we must never take things for granted. We should be happy with what we have. We shouldn't be greedy.

How to deal with this conundrum?

Bob Proctor summed it up pretty nicely:

"My grandma told me I should be satisfied with what I have. Guess what? Grandma was wrong. I should be 'Happy' with what I have but never be satisfied. It's is dissatisfaction that gave us the electrical bulb, air travel and the internet. Dissatisfaction is a creative state" - Bob Proctor

So, for those of you out there who are on the same road with me, we must remember to have genuine gratitude for the things that we have and the things that have happened to us, good or bad.

Hope this clears the conflict between ambition and gratitude.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Apologies

Oh dear...

I've made a grave mistake.

I've been trying trying to save people.

As a result of that, I've focused a lot of my energy on blasting and clamping down on a sunny company.

I tripped.

I'm sorry.

I was thinking with a scarcity mindset.

While I have been focusing on the sheep that led itself to be slaughtered, I forgot about the rest that have been looking to me for guidance. I've been trying to prevent people from being scammed as opposed to showing others who wants a real opportunity, the opportunity.

God...I didn't realise how prevalent sarcasm and negativity was in my previous posts.

I've been focusing on preventing the bad as opposed to creating the good.

I also forgot that, for some reason, the company that I'm involved in, it's very easy on those who thought they have lost all hope in the industry.

Nope..no way..I didn't see the article about the founder of sunshine losing out on an award.

Whoot. My company just won another international, unbiased, third party award. No advertisements required.

Alright. Changing gears from reverse to forward.

Isn't life interesting?

Onwards...to glory!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

James Phang's student was the founder of what?!

Cost Lab anyone?

Those of you in the network marketing industry or are pretty business savvy might have come across this company the last few years. I believe it had an office within the CBD area, though I can't confirm.

Apparently it was a failure.

Based on what I was told, the system they use is uncannily similar to that of Sunshine Empire's, difference being they had different products and that they guaranteed payouts. The latter difference being emphasized in black and white.

Sunshine, I believe, states that payouts are not guaranteed. In emphasized in black and white.


I was also recently informed that the founder of Cost Lab was (is?) a student of James Phang, the founder of Sunshine Empire.

Which leads me to another point...

I have a friend who has recently become a pretty big success in Amway. About two years ago, we talked about some of these schemes starting and failing and he told me, matter-of-a-factly, that he didn't mind participating. Why? Because:

1. He knew a few of those people who started such schemes and
2. As a result, he was always one of the 'Founding Members' and was guaranteed to make money.

He noted that many such money games were started by the same people.

He also reached the same conclusion as me: that if you want to join such games, join with eyes wide open and if what you are offered is in fact in its early stages, you can take the risk and join it. We also agreed that, since people are going to lose their money anyway, might was well lose it to you.

One of such companies he joined early in? Swisscash.
Update 07/11/07

From the Straits Times -

Added to the list of failures:
Number One Product (NOP) - marketing arm for an Indonesian resort project, Magic Kingdom, which was never built.

Hmm...sounds familiar..