"20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbour. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You Are Absolutely Right About Everything

As Henry Ford mentioned:

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right."

Isn't that one of those quotes and really makes you sit down, shut up and then marvel at it's simplicity and depth?

However, if you really paid attention, it isn't just some advice on how to think positively when the going gets tough.

It really gets much bigger than that.

Remember the saying: " Be careful what you wish for?"

Yes. It basically means whatever you think is, is.

If you believe that in your world, you're a loser, that all rich people are greedy b******s, that the poor suffer at the hands of manipulative d***s, that the world has few successful people and that the government is always out to get your money?

Guess what? You're right.

If, however, you believe that you are here to make the world a better place, that all rich people became rich because of their talents and abilities, that success is a matter of choice not circumstances and that the government is genuinely trying their best to help you out...

Guess what? You're right as well.

My point is, you will attract whatever you believe is true.

If rich people, to you, are conniving arseh****, you will find that most rich people u meet will be as such.

If, to you, you live in a dog eat dog world, your experience in life will be as such.

If, to you, success is a decision, then your result will prove it to be as such.

So, from now on, stop blaming external factors for your regrets and start being accountable for your own life.

It's true that there will be circumstances that can't be controlled (ie. we didn't have a choice of parents before we were born). However, once you have been delt the cards of life, your results will ultimately be based on how you play those cards. So you're gonna blame the dealer for your crappy hand? Even if it really was the dealer's fault, whatcha gonna do about it? Stop being a whiny loser, get over it and move on.

As the title reads: you are absolutely right about everything.

So, shouldn't we be right about the right things?